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Monday, May 1, 2017

Bout of Books 19.0

Hi Book-Sniffers and Librocubicularists,

April is OVER!!!! My goodness the end of April was jam-packed. I had a series of concerts and managed to get quite sick with a cold/flu thing that zapped all of my everything.

However, I managed to CRUSH reading this month.

9 books. 3,153 pages.
I went way out of my comfort zone:  1 Classic, 1 Literary Fiction, 1 Horror
Read my first two 5 star books! (discounting the rereads of already starred)
1 Audiobook, 3 e-Books, 5 Physical.

Of them, 5 were on my TBR. 4 were not - however, one of those was a bookclub book... so I call it an unexpected addition of must reads.

Coming up next week is BOUT OF BOOKS 19!!!!
You bet your bottom dollar that I'm participating. After my busy April month, I feel like May will be a breeze. Less booked. Less crazy. Less sick (crossed fingers, knock on wood).

More to come, once I learn what the challenges are I can craft my TBR.

Until then...

~Happy Reading~

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