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Friday, May 8, 2015

Library Lovers

Hello Book-Sniffers and Librocubicularists,

Saw this lovely tag on the Booktube and needed to immediately answer this.

How often do you go?

On my slower reading months, once every two weeks. On my faster months, twice a week. I love the hold option, so I can browse online, place a hold, and a few days later the book is ready for me to pick up.

Do you check out more books than you can read? Or the exact amount you can read?

I generally take out the exact amount that I can read. Once or twice I've taken out one too many.

When did you get your first library card? 

I'm pretty sure I was 8. Up until then, it was all on my mom's card. Probably during my Anne of Green Gables reading phase. There was something really 'adult' about getting to have my own card. I still have it too!

Do you go to take out a certain book? Or browse the shelves?

For the holds, yes. I clearly want to read those ones.

However, once a year, in the summer months, I browse the shelves and take out whatever peaks my interest. Last year I found some greats that way - "The Story of Owen" and "Of Poseidon" were found by chance. LOOOOVED them.

Do you only take out books?

No. I've recently been indulging in audio books (fantastic!). I do take out movies from time to time, but not as much.

From which section do you check out the majority of your books?

Young Adult and Fantasy as well as Juvenile (middle grade chapter books).

What's your favourite part about using the library?

I can read books to see if I love them instead of buying them. Sometimes I purchase them afterward if I love them enough.

Mainly, the opportunity to discover books you would otherwise not come across is incredible. The library has always been my escape - as a child and as an adult.

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