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Friday, March 25, 2016

Intimidating TBR

Hello Book-Sniffers and Librocubicularists,

An intimidating to-be-read shelf can be paralyzing. The inability to choose what book to read next can put one off of reading altogether. Procrastination becomes the vehicle in which to avoid these piles.

I came across this tag and wanted to think through books that have been sitting on my shelves for a while, maybe reminding myself why I originally bought them.

1. A book I've been unable to finish. 

The Wise Man's Fear ~ By Patrick Rothfuss
It's 1000 pages, a honker of a story. The writing is smooth and easy. My fear is that I'll finish the story and have no more since the third of this series is not published yet.

2. I haven't had the time.

The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic ~ Emily Croy Barker
I've had this for a few years now. It's thick. I dont' usually like urban fantasy. There's a guilt with this one, since I purchased it with birthday money.

3. It's a sequel.

Dreams of Gods and Monsters ~ By Laini Taylor
Both the first and second books were loved. I guess going back into the world might be an adjustment and it's been so long that I fear I won't remember what happened.

4. It's brand new.

Serefina and the Black Cloak ~ By Robert Beatty
Brand new. Got this two days ago. 

5. I read a book by the same author, but didn't really like it.

Heir of Sea and Fire ~ By Patricia A. McKillip
This is the second book, after "Riddle Master of Hed" - a classic fantasy. The first book was alright. Nothing special. I mostly read it so I could read this one (the main character hooked me), but now I've lost the will.

6. I'm not in the mood for it. 

Brondings' Honour ~ By Ann Ewan
Every time I look at it I go, meh. Maybe another day. It doesn't help that the cover is disastrously terrible. 


The Great Book of Amber ~ By Robert Zelany
To be fair, it's 10 books of a series, bound into one. STILL. It's 1200+ pages.

8. It was a cover by and the reviews aren't great. 

The Seventh Miss Hatfield ~ By Anna Caltabiano
I'm a sucker for time travel stories, this seemed up my ally and I loved the symmetry of the cover. Too bad the reviews aren't great, meriting a 2.83 on Goodreads...  

9. The most intimidating of all.

The Count of Monte Cristo ~ By Alexandre Dumas
My best friend and I will be reading this year - I'm still terrified. It's a commitment and a classic.  875 pages. After our foray into massive classics last year with "War and Peace" (Leo Tolstoy), I'm concerned with the level in which I will be entertained.

Now to read some of these!
~ Happy reading ~