Hi Book-Sniffers and Librocubicularists,
It's been a wonderful, busy couple of months. I'm happy working and doing the thing I love. That means more time spent doing the work rather than doing the reading.
I got to a point last month where I was becoming stressed over all the books I was feeling that I had to read. My best friend sat me down and gave me a talk. Read only what I love. Read in the moment. The list is the guide, not the rule by which to follow.
Miscellaneous updates:
Patrick Rothfuss's "Wise Man's Fear" is ridiculously long. I'm 500 pages in... it's 1000 pages. At this point, I've put it down so I can feel accomplished by reading something shorter.
Blind date: My best friend got the idea that we go to a used book store and pick out a book for each other. I added that we should wrap the cover so we can't see what it looks like. Of course, it doesn't hide the title, but it certainly hides possibly AWFUL covers. And believe me, browsing through that store, there's some pretty hilarious and cringy artwork. Makes you wonder what the actual story is about.
My book that she got me is actually quite good so far. Just past the first 30 pages and it's perfect for me! Woman on an adventure. Done. I'm sold.
NaNoWriMo: The month of writing 50,000 words of your own story... yup, participating in that this year. Why? Why not! I'm clearly just making more work for myself. December will feel like a breeze when this month is done. (famous last words?)
Thank you for stopping by. Perhaps late December I'll be able to write a few reviews.
~ Happy Winter Reading ~