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Sunday, October 4, 2015

October is Here!

Hi Book-Sniffers and Librocubicularists,

At this point, managing work and reading has been an ordeal. I managed to read four books in September. Two adult, one young adult, and one reread children's.

My best friend and I are reading Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events, one per month. This month is "The Wide Window". I forgot how wonderfully delightful they are. Hilarious with their side narrator tangents, ridiculous bit of information, and the terrible things that keep happening.

"Code Name Verity" by Elizabeth Wein is ...  incredible. I shall try and form words together for a review.

The realization has dawned on me that I cannot, in no way, at this point in time, complete my reading wish list for this year. So now, is knocking off those that I can find time for. It'll be a struggle. I'll do it!

~Happy Autumn Reading~