By Lena Coakley
Genre: Fantasy
Genre: Fantasy
After the death of his father, Ryder is
struggling to harvest enough food for his family – two younger
sisters and a mother that's obsessed with predicting the future by
casting bones. They are Witchlanders, white-haired and pale-eyed,
governed by a coven of witches that Ryder mistrusts. A generation
ago, the Witchlanders were at war with the dark-haired Baen across
the mountains. Ryder's world changes when the village is attacked and
his mother predicts an assassin Baen living in the mountains, itching
to start the war again.
A shot in the dark, I picked up without
knowing too much before reading. I am so glad I found this book, it
has easily become a new a favourite on my shelf. The world was rich;
characters relateable and believable; and there was always something
at stake. The reveal of the depth to this world is mind-boggling and
expertly crafted.
The first third of the book burned
slowly, giving us a “slice of life” for the main character Ryder.
The second third gave us more questions than answers. And the last
third flew by with gripping action.
Overall, the atmosphere was ancient and
mysterious. It reminds us there are no sides, and that sometimes,
traditions lose their original meaning.
Highly recommended for the fantasy
Classroom: The topic of religion is
constant and may not be suitable for classroom use, unless you are
wanting religion-based discussions. Other discussion-worthy issues
are war, familial duties/expectations, tradition for the sake of
tradition, substance abuse, obsession, and racial